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Easy Haitian Legume ( Vegetable Stew) With Annette Dor

Introducing another Haitian Cooking YouTube sensation Annette Dor. She will show us how to cook Haitian Legume.


3 pounds of beef shank meat ½ pound of cooked shrimp Half head of cabbage 1 Eggplant 1 bunch of watercress 2 carrots 2 chayotes 2 table spoons of tomato Green pepper Cloves Parsley Thyme 1 hot pepper 1 tablespoon of lily butter and 1 tablespoon of regular butter (You can use any butter of your choice) 1 teaspoon of all-purpose flour Directions: Add the eggplant, chayotes and cabbage to 5 cups of boiling water and let it cook for 45 minutes

Clean your meat with lemon, vinegar and salt and repeat the process 3 times to disinfect the meat. You will then pour boiling hot water to the meat and you will let the meat marinate. After that you will let the meat cook for 45 minutes on medium high heat.

Make sure to brown the meat by adding water over time. You will then add tomato paste to the meat. You will then add the cooked shrimp, watercress & carrots on medium high heat for 10 minutes.

Make sure to add 1 cup of hot water so that way the carrots and watercress can be steamed cooked. After 45 minutes of the eggplant, chayotes and cabbage has been cooked you will then blend the vegetables together in a blender.

PLEASE BE SURE TO ONLY HIT PULSE 5 TIMES ON YOUR BLENDER, THIS WILL HELP PREVENT THE STEW FROM BEING TOO WATERY After you have finished blending the vegetables, you will add it to the meat. After 5 minutes has passed, you will add the butter, parsley/thyme and hot pepper and green peppers with the cloves attached. Please be sure to add some salt to your liking and let the stew cook for 15 minutes. After about 15 minutes remove the hot pepper and the parsley. You will then add All Purpose Flour this will help prevent the stew from becoming water over time. Let it sit for 5 minutes on medium low heat and you are ready to eat !!!!!

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