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The History Behind Haitian Soup Joumou: A Dish of Liberation

Key Takeaways So much more than deliciousness, the history behind Haitian Soup Joumou reveals a world of vibrant culture and resilience. As a soup of liberation, this iconic dish has rich implications to Haitian culture. At first, it was a celebration of Haiti’s independence from colonial rule in 1804. Served Continue Reading

How to Cook Boulèt (Haitian Style Meatballs)

DINNER/ RED MEAT Boulèt (Haitian Meatballs) I love meatballs! What’s not to love about ground beef or turkey (the choice is yours) that has been seasoned with garlic, onions and peppers; Then rolled into a ball, dredged in flour… And fried to perfection… Sounds delicious right? That’s because it is delicious! Continue Reading

How I Made Traditional Haitian Food For The First Time!

Needless to say rice and beans are a staple in the carribean. A meal is not a meal unless there is a side of rice and beans. Haitian rice and beans can be made with a variety of beans, but the most pouplar are Pinto, red kidney beans, and black Continue Reading

Easy Haitian Legume ( Vegetable Stew) With Annette Dor

Introducing another Haitian Cooking YouTube sensation Annette Dor. She will show us how to cook Haitian Legume. Ingredients: 3 pounds of beef shank meat ½ pound of cooked shrimp Half head of cabbage 1 Eggplant 1 bunch of watercress 2 carrots 2 chayotes 2 table spoons of tomato Green pepper Continue Reading

Six Haitian Cooking Staples to Try

by Carlos C. Olaechea Photos by Rolando Diaz Haitian cuisine is varied: The food draws influences from French and West African traditions and Caribbean ingredients. These six dishes — from stews to fried meats — serve as a good introduction to the culinary offerings of the Haitian community in Miami.TWEETSHARE Pate TWEETSHARE Continue Reading

How To Cook Haitian Rice!

Needless to say rice and beans are a staple in the carribean. A meal is not a meal unless there is a side of rice and beans. Haitian rice and beans can be made with a variety of beans, but the most pouplar are Pinto, red kidney beans, and black Continue Reading

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